Minggu, 15 November 2009

My Heart is So Hurt

Every Morning
Every day
Every Week
I really Hate because that my Heart is So Hurt and Break
I'm very disappointed about my life
I hate Sunday, really really hate because that day make me always cry
And make me must avoid my sweet home
The causing of all my problem is MY SCHOOL i hate my school
why i must school at there?
just, because will make me to be professional human?
every day make my head dizzy... my tears always out and my body always tired
how long i can be stayed at there?
how long?

I hate.........
i hate.........

Sejarah Musik Rock

Maaf nih banyak keribetan teknis
fren, nama alamat e-mail lu paan?
gua di warnet nggak bisa buka softwarenya, buat di masukin blog
langsung kirim e-mail kosong ke honeyfah.nurpatria@gmail.com atau kirim komen yaw

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

baru masuk lagi

Udah lama rasanya aku nggak buka-buka blog ku ini, rasanya males banget buat ngedit atau bikin postingan padahal banyak banget yang mo aku tulis disini. Hari ini ku dah mulai aktif lagi buat ngisi blog ku ini nggak tau ada badai apaan, mungkin badai katarina kali... ^^"
Sebenernya hari ini bertepatan banget dengan hari pengumuman kelulusan UN SMP yang udah aku tunggu-tunggu banget berminggu-minggu, aku lulus apa nggak *mudah-mudahan lulus ya Allah*. Itu surat pengumuman udah ditungguin dari pagi, katanya dikirim lewat pos tapi tukang pos belum juga nongol-nongol. Eh, pas jam 10.30 ada yang bilang "Pos!" di depan rumah, ibuku langsung bilang tu tukang pos bawa surat kelulusan, bapakku malah bilang "LULUS!". Setelah ibuku datengin tukang pos buat ngambil suratnya nggak taunya surat asuransi, abis itu aku dapet sms dari temenku katanya pengumuman bakal diundur tanggal 22. Akh... capek deh nungguinnya...

Super Junior Super Show 2

Aduwwwwwwwwwhhhh, seneng banget rasanya kalo SJ, mau ngadain Super Show yang kedua. Super Show yang kali ini bakal digelar di 8 kota besar termasuk rumah mereka dengan 10 shows, kota yang bakal pasti mereka datengin yaitu, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok, dll. Gua berharap banget kalo salah satu dari 8 negara itu mereka akan dateng ke Indonesia ^^/

Flower Boy Kim HyunJoong-Kim Bum are 'Neighborhood Cousins' in real life

Kim HyunJoong and Kim Bum has gathered attention on their actual neighborhood cousin (i.e neighbors) relationship.

In the currently broadcasted KBS 2TV Mon-Tue mini series, Boys Over Flowers, the 2 of them who acts as F4, with strong friendship between childhood friends, have became neighbors recently.

Kim Bum has recently moved to Seoul SongPa-gu Jamsil Bondong where Kim HyunJoong lives, thus living in the same neighborhood, about 5 minutes away by walking.

In the recent interview with Starnews, Kim HyunJoong and Kim Bum disclosed their friendship about becoming neighbors to each other.

Kim HyunJoong said Kim Bum moved to our neighborhood recently. Even on days where there are no filming for Boys Over Flowers, we would meet up in our neighborhood.

Kim Bum said, I didn't know, until I moved, that we will be living in the same neighborhood. We go to church together, and played soccer with our church friends too. Even though we met through (acting of) drama, we became close in real life. Recently, I spent a lot of time with F4.

Kim HyunJoong and Kim Bum are members of F4 and their over flowers beautiful appearance has monopolize their popularity with female viewers.

Credits : skyaromy@mtstarnews.com + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

Photos from Korean netizens pick 5 best scenes of Boys Over Flowers

source : Epoch Times

In the past 3 months when the time comes to 10pm on a Monday & Tuesday night, the lady viewers in Korea will wait in front of the television for the appearance of F4. Last night (31st March), the Korean version of Boys Before Flowers aired the finale of episode 25 which brought a splendid close to the series. In the debut (first serial) of a Korean magazine《Highcut 》, they give their comments on the 5 best & 5 worst scenes of Boys Before Flowers. Let’s read them here.

5 Best Scenes

1. Episode 3 ....the loving & caring look of Goo Jun Pyo when he is facing Jan Di who is drunk in the bar
This outstanding scene is good enough to show that Lee Min Ho is not only a good looking actor but he is an actor who is ready & fully prepared.

“You’re not worthless, you have the qualifications. Although your family, appearance & brain are zero mark, you’re the first girl confirmed by master Goo Jun Pyo to be his lady. So you are qualified with full marks.” When Goo Jun Pyo says this to Jan Di, he is looking at Jan Di with tender love & care. His gentle look is so full of charm.

2. Episode 4....Jun Pyo’s love proposal to Jan Di is overshadowed by the sound of the plane.
“Guam Jan Di, listens carefully to my words because I will only say it once. You have to listen carefully. Guam Jan Di, let’s go on a date.”

The big & tall Goo Jun Pyo bends towards Jan Di, he almost tries to lean on Jan Di. I believe all the lady viewers will be excited & infatuated by this scene. But Jan Di just moves up her coffee cup to block the red lips of Jun Pyo. Her lack of enthusiasm to his love makes the viewers feel pity.

3. Episode 6....Love proposal in British Caledonia
“I’ve been telling myself if I find the one I love, I’ll take her here. Have you seen that? My heart! ” When Jun Pyo is smiling, his heart shaped lips & the heart shaped grassland in British Caledonia make up a beautiful matching scene. Although some people criticize that their scene in British Caledonia look like a MV filmed for the tourists’ association of British Caledonia. However, this scene is regarded as “Best of the best!”

4. Episode 15....Jan Di sings the song (I only know love) 《我只懂得爱》at Goo Jun Pyo’s Birthday Party
The scene when Guam Jan Di is playing the piano & singing the song (I only know love)《我只懂得爱》is commented as a good additional part in the Korea version of Boys Before Flowers. In the Japanese version Tsukushi left the piano & went out. In the Taiwan version, Shancai tried to speak harshly,“we can’t use the skill of piano to judge a person.”

In comparison of the three, Korea version, with the use of the sad & touching song “I only know love”《我只懂得爱》 is remarkably the winner . This scene also shows the singing skill of Goo Hye Sun who is an apprentice in singing.

5. Episode 19.......the truth or dare game
This scene that makes the hearts of all JP–JD supporters beating fast when Jun Pyo asks Jan Di, “ Do you still honour the agreement we made at the roadside, is it still valid? “ (I promise you that no matter what happens, I will not try to leave you anymore. At least, your mother will not be an excuse/reason for me to turn away from you.) Jan Di answers, “It is not valid anymore! The ones who gave & heard the promise are actually not existed anymore.”

*thank you annie083 for your translation

Lee Min Ho operasi plastik?

Siapa sih yang nggak kenal Lee Min Ho pemeran Gyu Jun Pyo di Boys Before Flowers. Lee Min Ho yang keren dan lumayan cakep ^^ ini, ternyata nggak lepas dari kecaman netter kalo dia udah ngelakuin operasi plastik. Lee Min Ho pernah bilang kalo dia 100% asli dan nggak pernah tersentuh pisau bedah, tapi foto-foto pibadinya terus bocor dan menyebar di internet sampe akhirnya tersebarlah foto Min Ho bersama dua orang pria di salah satu kantor bedah plastik yang diambil 17 Desember 2007.

  1. Foto pertama, Lee Min Ho waktu masih duduk dibangku sekolah
  2. Foto kedua, Foto yang sebelah kiri diperkirakan waktu Min Ho SMA
  3. Foto ketiga, Min Ho bersama kedua orang pria yang ada di kantor bedah plastik, trus foto yang bawah ada perbedaan dengan hidungnya Min Ho, hidungnya yang dulu ada tonjolan tulangnya tapi sekarang udah nggak ada.
  4. Foto keempat, Min Ho waktu pertama kali debut ampe jadi terkenal di Boys Before Flowers.

Tapi bagaimanapun juga itu haknya Min Ho mau ngelakuin atau nggak, dan lagi pula dia cuma ngelakuin perubahan di hidungnya dan itu nggak mengurangi profesionalitas aktingnya ^^

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

The History of Korean

Sejarah Awal Perpecahan Korea

Pada awalnya nih, seperti yang udah kita tahu kalo sebenernya dulu Korea Utara sama Korea Selatan tergabung menjadi satu sejak berdiri, yang pemerintahannya itu berbentuk Kerajaan. Banyak banget dinasti-dinasti yang memimpin, tapi dinasti yang paling lama berkuasa adalah Dinasti Joseon. Dinasti ini, bahkan memiliki usia pemerintahan terpanjang di Asia Timur dalam millenium terakhir. Dinasti ini didirikan oleh Jenderal Yi Seong gye pada tahun 1392 dan berakhir di tahun 1897 dengan digantikan dengan Kerajaan Korea.

Sama kayak Indonesia, Korea juga ngalamin jajahan dari Jepang yaitu pada 1910 dalam Perjanjian Aneksasi Jepang-Korea. Perjanjian ini dipakai Jepang tanpa menghiraukan kemarahan rakyat Korea yang tidak setuju perjanjian tersebut karena tidak disahkan sama Raja Kojong yang berkuasa pada saat itu. Sama seperti daerah jajahan Jepang lainnya, Korea mengalami perlakuan yang teramat miris. Seperti, dibunuhnya hampr 7000 orang Korea oleh tentara dan polisi Jepang dalam peristiwa Pergerakan 1 Maret. Hal ini disebabkan aksi protes secara damai di seluruh negeri pada tanggal 1 Maret 1919 karena wafatnya Raja Kojong bulan Januari 1919 yang diracun mata-mata Jepang. Jepang menyingkir dari Korea setelah kekalahannya di Perang Pasifik.

Namun, sejak tanggal 9 Agustus 1945 tentara Uni Soviet udah masuk ke sebelah Utara Korea dari Siberia. Kemudian Amerika Serikat menduduki zona bagian selatan semenanjung hal ini membuat pemecahan Korea menjadi semakin efektif sejak 8 September 1945. Harapan untuk penyatuan dan kemerdekaan Korea secara cepat menguap akibat pengaruh dari Perang Dingin dan ketidaksetujuan terhadap rencana pembentukan negara komunis pihak utara sehingga akhirnya tahun 1948 Korea terpecah menjadi dua negara yang berbeda ideologi, sistem ekonomi dan sosial.

Tanggal 12 Desember 1948, dengan resolusi 195 dalam sidang Majelis Umum PBB ke 3, PBB menyatakan bahwa Korea Selatan (Republic of Korea) adalah satu-satunya pemerintahan Korea yang sah. Pada bulan Juni 1950 Perang Korea pecah ketika pihak Korea Utara menyerbu Korea Selatan dengan melewati garis paralel 38 derajat, yang mengakhiri semua kemungkinan dan harapan akan reunifikasi kedua Korea.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Eoseo oseyo (WELCOME)

Annyeong Haseyo

I'm Honey, this is my Blog
U can shared with me about everything about South Korean
Happy join with me...


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